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Fera Dayani, CFF Communications Director

Apr 30, 2020

California Fire Foundation's Participation in Big Day of Giving and #GivingTuesdayNow, Will Aid At-Risk Communities Impacted By Covid-19 and Other Major Disasters

(SACRAMENTO) May 2020: As California firefighters are on the front lines of wildfires and other natural disasters, so too are the many organizations supporting families and communities through the Covid-19 pandemic. 

The California Fire Foundation is stepping forward to help those severely impacted by the pandemic by taking part in two days of charitable giving with Sacramento region’s Big Day of Giving, May 7 and the global #GivingTuesdayNow, May 5.

“The California Fire Foundation has already provided nutritional and economic support to some of the hardest hit regions of our state, with the support of our generous donors,” said Brian K. Rice, chair of the California Fire Foundation and president of the California Professional Firefighters.  “The Foundation’s involvement in these two charitable days of giving will allow us to continue to ‘pay it forward’ in support of those facing hardship from the Covid-19 outbreak, as we have in times of catastrophic wildfire and other natural disasters.”

Even as the scope of the Covid-19 disaster was developing, the California Fire Foundation was working to get help where it is needed. Non-profit groups that have already received assistance through the California Fire Foundation include:

“As an organization created by California’s firefighters, the California Fire Foundation is committed to its mission of providing emotional and financial support for firefighters, their families and the communities they protect,” said Rice. “Charitable giving opportunities such as Big Day of Giving and #GivingTuesdayNow help to ensure the Foundation can continue supporting the victims of this unprecedented crisis, as it has for so many Californians affected by natural disaster.

To join California’s firefighters in paying it forward during this crisis, support the California Fire Foundation on #GivingTuesdayNow May 5th and on the Big Day of Giving on May 7th.







The California Fire Foundation, a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, provides emotional and financial assistance to families of fallen firefighters, firefighters and the communities they protect.  Formed in 1987 by California Professional Firefighters, the California Fire Foundation’s mission includes survivor and victim assistance programs and a range of community initiatives.

Big Day of Giving - May 7, 2020. An annual 24-hour community-wide movement that unites the Sacramento region to help raise funds for the nonprofit organizations that strengthen the region’s communities.

#GivingTuesdayNow - May 5, 2020 A new global day of giving and unity. Building on #GivingTuesday, an international day of charitable giving at the beginning of holiday season, #GivingTuesdayNow is bringing people around the world together for an emergency response to the unprecedented need caused by Covid-19.